Open Funding Pilot

📝 Weeknotes #1

We are a team from Sport England and FF Studio working together on the Open Funding Pilot.

It will help Sport England try new ways of working and new funding models to enable them to get more people in underserved communities active. It will also show the wider Sport England organisation what transformational delivery looks like.

Weeknotes are a quick recap of the important things a team has done each week, what we’ve learned, and what’s the plan for next week. They also help us work in the open.

2-6 October 2023

This week the team gathered: Anna Goss, Eliot Fineberg, Kim Morley, Sonia Turcotte and Rod McLaren from FF Studio, and Cassie Burgess from Sport England.

  1. We agreed our “point of departure”: purpose, outcomes, target audience, roles and ways of working, success criteria, “fiasco criteria” (failures to avoid), and other projects that connect to this.
  2. We identified high level “jobs to be done” (apply for funding, score applications, remit successful funding, etc). These prompted some assumptions and questions that we will need to explore and answer.
  3. We started building a schedule: we know we need to move quickly. The critical milestones are: publish the pilot w/c 6 Nov, and give applicants answers w/c 18 Dec.
  4. We also started desk research into how other organisations are approaching open sport funding: Sport Wales, Sports Scotland, Sport Unites, Angus Irvine, Go! London and others.

All of these are documented on our Miro board.

Next week: